Monday, July 22, 2013

Our day in Spain and Lesson 5 - 100%

This photo is taken in Spain.  We accidentally found the cutest street.  I don't think I was supposed to be there because no one else was driving and come to think of it, cars don't fit very well.  There were signs and words but I didn't know what any of them meant.  Anyway,  I had amber jump out of the car so we could snap some pics of this street.


As I mentioned earlier, we are not big spenders but yes - we are spending money to be on this trip.  Once you have spent the money to be there - you HAVE to spend the money needed to enjoy the place.

I wasn't planning on renting a car and trying to drive for hours but it was so rainy and we wanted to see the sights so the logical decision was to find a car.  Im so glad we did because it let us to this perfect picture in Spain.  If your going to do it,  do it 100%  It's not worth saving the $100 after spending thousands.  Who wants to be the person who was soooo close but never really there??  

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