Saturday, July 6, 2013

Some lessons I have learned along the way - by Nikki

LESSON #2                 LET IT GO.

We all have expectations of how things are going to be when we finally get to do that thing we have been dreaming of.  More often than not, reality does not meet the expectation.  When this happens, you just have to let it go.  The other option is to be frustrated and disappointed and who wants that?! We went to a lot of time and expense to get to the south of France to accomplish Ambers goal.  When I realized that goal would not get checked off that very important list of life’s goals I knew I just HAD to let it go.  Luckily Amber said, “I’ll just have to come back”.  And for some reason, that made me smile.  Because even though I wasn’t successful in getting Amber to surf, I decided to look at the positive and realized: I have shown her how to get to and around Paris, how to get the train down south, options of places to stay, how to find the wave, where to rent the boards and wetsuits etc. …..  So she knows what to do now even if she has to do it next time without me.  One of life’s major lessons is learning that you CANNOT control everything (the ocean has taught me this lesson over and over).  All you can control is whether or not you are angry or grateful.  We left Biarritz cold and a little wet but grateful for the opportunity to meet her. 

BTW for those of you who noticed that I started with Lesson #2 and passed over #1,
Thanks for paying attention ;)


I have already gone over this experience so I wont go into detail but this lesson happened quickly when I needed to make an immediate decision about Ambers ticket to Paris that had been cancelled.  She either stayed behind and met us later, or we all stayed behind, or I bought her a new ticket on the spot.  Once I realized those were the ONLY options that I had, I got the ticket.  Because deep in my gut I knew one thing for sure; WE NEED TO STAY TOGETHER.  I hope this principle will always apply in our family during this lifetime and into the eternities.  Families are forever, and no one gets left behind.


Who knows what tomorrow brings?  It might rain, someone might be sick, or you might not be able to go back to that place or activity you are at.  So, if it’s something you really want to do, just do it today.  All we really have is today.  We have adopted this lesson as we travel around.  We decided not to put off something we really want to do.  When we were in Capri we wanted to do the chair lift to the top of Ana Capri and for a brief second I thought, “today is kind of windy, maybe we should wait till tomorrow to see if the wind dies down”.  And then I caught myself and remembered this lesson and we did it that day.  Yes it was a little windy but we had an amazing experience.


This is similar to lesson 3 but different.  In addition to not procrastinating your adventures, we have found it's best to just go for it.  When we were in Capri we were looking for a beach to go to and we accidently came upon the path to Via Krupp.  As we looked down the path we would walk we took a vote as to whether or not we were going to walk down there.  At that time we thought naturally if we walk down we would have to walk back up.  Fortunately we decided, “Frick – might as well”.  
We had such a nice walk down and saw the most beautiful sights.  When we got there we discovered some really nice restaurants and we had a great lunch of pizza and pasta.  I have been eating a lot of eggplant because I love it with my pasta!  We also found a great beach and found a little spot amongst the others.  The hard part is there is no sand.  People lay out on giant sized pebbles and smoke way too much but all in all we had a really nice day down there, all because we decided to go for it.  The best part was we discovered there was a bus all the way back to the top.  Sometimes you can’t see what is around the corner but we have found it really pays to just get up, get out of the house and get walking.  Our best finds were accidental. 
This lesson helped us have a perfect day the following day.  We decided to rent a boat and drive around Capri.  Actually the girls and I decided and Makana was against the idea.  He was actually mad at me for thinking I could drive a boat around a foreign island but I just had a feeling that it was going to be ok.  I told him, "Frick, might as well" (this is a phrase he used constantly - he even made a Facebook page to support this theory.  But, he almost didn't come with us.  Once he realized we were going anyway despite his protests, he joined us.  Like I said, he had the best. day. ever!! and Im not being dramatic.  It felt sooooo good to be on the water exploring the island.  We stopped the boat and jumped in and it was like a dream.  Im so glad I didn't let my fears get the best of me.  I acknowledge that it is important to be wise, but after you have asked the questions to man and to Heavenly Father, if you still feel good about it, GO FOR IT!!  Might as well right?  

1 comment:

  1. "We need to be together" and "let it go" are values I'm trying hard to instill and teach to my kids, through example and teaching. Thanks nikki! Makes me feel I'm on the right track...
